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⟡⟡ L â r o s c o r b i n e ⟡⟡ Collâgen ⟡⟡ Gray ⟡⟡ (10 ampoules)




✅Produces youthful skin, hair, and nails

✅Vitamin C accelerates the absorption of Collagen.

✅Skin Whitening

✅Support renewing of skin cells and skin repair.

✅Fades wrinkles and Fine Lines.

✅Relieve Joint Pain.

✅Promotes the quality of your sleep.



⟡⟡Recommended Dosage⟡⟡

🔰Recommended 1 vial weekly for the first box and 1 ampoule every 2 weeks for the second box. Combine with Gluthâthione for maximum skin whitening and anti-pigmentation effects. For better results, contact your doctor.



⟡⟡Available in 2 options: Box Only and Push Set good for 10 sessions⟡⟡

🔰Push Set includes: Syringe and butterfly (x10)

🔰Box only does not include medical accessories or set



Box Only – 1,250

W/ set – 1,370

Laroscorbine Platinum Gray

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