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Tationil 600mg Glutathione

10 vials

Tationil is a pure L-glutathione with 600mg dosage. It is dissolved with 4ml of distilled water and is directly injected either intravenously intramuscularly. Many cosmetic dermatologists had been using the product due to its other effect lightening of the skin.


⟡⟡Recommended Dosage⟡⟡
🔰2-3 vials every 3 days until desired effect is achieved. It is dissolved with 4ml of distilled water and is directly injected either by intravenous (recommended) or intramuscular route.


⟡⟡Available in Box and Push Set Good for 10 sessions⟡⟡
🔰Push set includes: 1 box of Vit C Ampules, syringe, and butterfly. (x10)
🔰Box only does not include medical accessories or set.


Box Only - 2,500

W/ Push Set - 2,670


Important Reminders:
Our skin needs at least 10 vials to see visible results by taking the treatment therapy for just a month. Others will already see the skin whitening effect after 6 to 8 vials in just 3 weeks of course treatment or even earlier if taken with Vitamin C Injectables or if the glutathione taken is double dose.

Manufactured by: Teofarma, Italy

Tationil 600mg Glutathione

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